React Native

Explore the file system of react-native:

lets explore the file system of react native application

when we create react native application using command from official website,

npx @react-native-community/cli@latest init AwesomeProject

It downloads the initial template which consists of below file structure:

Awesome project :

tests: useful for testing

.bundle— we never touch this

android: we touch only for some dependencies when we install third pary libraries

ios: we touch only pod file for dependencies

node_modules: all third party libraries resides here.

.gitignore: when we move to git, we can specify, what to be ignored

app.json : name of ios and android projects\

index.js — file to be started


\scripts, dev depndencies — only required during development like compiling, etc

dependencies: required for production

tsconfig.json— typescript config file